Understanding where you engage both the gifts & shadow side of masculine and feminine energy can restore flow into your life. The masculine and feminine are two opposing yet complementary forces that hold each other and the universe in balance. Not only do they need to be in balance with one another, they also need to be balanced in their individual expression.
In this session you will FEEL IN YOUR BODY how to recognize and awaken the wisdom of masculine energy and feminine energy.
Where do you need to create more structure by pulling in the qualities of the masculine? Where do you need more confidence and allowing by igniting qualities of the feminine? What areas of life do you get swept into engaging the shadow side of each of these energies?
Join me for an evening of:
Exploring the gifts & shadows of masculine & feminine energy
Embodied Journaling to identify imbalances in your own life
Breathwork for igniting the potential of your masculine & feminine expressions
Cost: $15