Remembering How to Be Human Again
In last week's blog, we covered some of the reasons why the work happening at the Vitalist Institute is likely very different from ANY developmental work you may have done. We are taking a very different approach to healing; crafting each of our sessions to fully support you in getting back to the root of your disconnection from self, while assisting you to find resolution in your mind, body, and heart. This approach often creates radical shifts in peoples’ lives that they had never thought possible.
This week we wanted to dive more deeply into the principles that guide our work here at the Institute. These three principles are critical to creating full-bodied, wholehearted, and mind-changing transformations in those who show up to do their internal work:
Three principles fundamental to the Vitalist Institute:
1. Awakening your Vital Life Force
2. Embodiment
3. Connection
Awakening the Vital Force
It is critical we learn to trust the vital healing force that lives within each of us. The same force that heals our scraped knees or broken bones, knows how to let go, transform, tremor, cry, and laugh our way to our most authentic and beautiful life. At the Vitalist Institute, we use modalities and practices that work fluidly between the body, heart, and mind, calling forth the innate healing force within us that knows the path to transformation. We look to the wisdom of our ancestors, as well as more modern understandings of trauma, the nervous system, and attachment theory.
By moving toward embodiment, we are able to create lives and bodies we can enjoy living in. Embodiment happens as awareness moves from our mind and starts to impact every aspect of our lives. More space and vitality show up as we uncover and live out our most authentic expression. We start to experience life with more ease, creativity, passion, and clarity. We stop repressing who and what we have always been and allow our natural expressions to bubble back up. At the Vitalist Institute, we believe in assisting individuals to cultivate personal practices that touch and transform every aspect of their lives here on earth. Spiritual transformation should include learning how to breathe, feel, and become rooted in the experience of being human. We can start to claim lives of freedom, flexibility, depth and spontaneity. We remember ourselves again. True knowledge comes from embodying ideas.
To be human is to be interdependent. We deeply need each other on this journey of life; yet so many of us have experienced betrayal, violence, and malevolence from those we loved and thought trustworthy. We can’t heal these wounds in isolation. We need each other. At the Vitalist Institute, creating safety amongst the community is of utmost importance to us. The inner journey can be isolating and lonely at times. It is comforting to have new friends to walk alongside us as we travel. While this work can be demanding and intense, we aim to bring as much playfulness, dancing, and laughter to the community as possible so the path of healing is as wholly human as possible.
This is good news.
We can learn to suffer less and dance more.
We can learn to be human once again.
This work will change you and change the world.
We would love for you to join us for one of our upcoming offerings. In NEXT WEEK’S blog, we will share more ways to get plugged into the Vitalist Community through our in-person experiences.
Micah Mclauglin and Leah Grace have been working together since 2013 and have been a bit obsessive on their healing journeys. Driven by their own deep desire for contentment and meaning, they have traveled across the world- seeking out teachers and modalities of embodied transformation. With over 35 years of combined experience, they are thrilled to share what they have learned in the simplest and most profound ways they know how. Arising from their deep callings to teach the teachers, Micah and Leah have combined forces to bring this work into the world through The Vitalist Institute of Psychospiritual Transformation.